Johnny Little
My name is Johnny Little, and I am a helicopter pilot out here in the Las Vegas valley. I grew up in North New Jersey. I spent much of my childhood running around New York City with friends exploring the many amazing things there. I have been a bit of a jack of all trades, from a roofer, a city firefighter, a logger, and even a legislative aide for the state government in Jersey. My entire family has been in the aviation field. My father was maintenance for Northwest Airlines before merging with Delta for 36 years, and my mother and him met when she was a gate agent at Northwest. Many cousins and uncles are pilots or mechanics still to this day. I am the only one in my family to become a rotorcraft pilot though. I have traveled all over the world because of the benefits my father has with the airlines, and I even have a calendar that my mother logged from the day I was born to my first birthday, logging the miles I traveled my first year. In that first year I logged over 25, 000 miles of travel! Aviation has always been my dream and my mother even saved a piece of paper from when I was in second grade where I had to write what my dream was when I was in school. I wrote that I wanted to be a helicopter pilot in Hawaii. I finally made the biggest change of my life in 2016 when I moved out to Las Vegas to pursue my dream and make it a reality I attended flight training and became an instrument rated commercial pilot in just less than a years’ time. I love flying tours out here in Las Vegas. It is the best feeling to see people faces when they get to take in all the beauty this city and the surrounding mountains have to offer. Meeting new people and sharing a once in a lifetime experience is something I will never grow tired of. I look forward to sharing the same experience with you at this amazing company that I have the honor to work for, West Air.