Scott Graham
Hi everyone! My name is Scott and I am a retired Air Force pilot. I’ve been around aviation for quite some time, having first soloed in 1982…back when helicopters still had dirt floors, The Clash topped the charts, and the airport might be NOTAM’d out for dinosaurs on the runway. I have always been inspired by military aviation and pilots, so the Air Force was the path I chose for myself, was fortunate enough to be selected to be an Air Force helicopter pilot, and for a short time an airplane pilot as well. I stuck with aviation all these years because there is always something new, different, challenging, amazing, and fun to do in the sky. I’ve flown the most technically sophisticated and technically basic aircraft out there, flown aerobatics and rescue missions, flown into the backcountry, flown formation with hawks and buzzards, and flew a couple of hundred miles in a glider…so much fun! However, one of my favorite things about flying is the look on your face after you first solo. Still, as old as I am, my journey in aviation isn’t done yet. I’m trying to fly a 1,000 kilometer task and fly to 25,000+ feet in my glider, get a balloon rating, and do some airplane camping. I look forward to meeting and flying with each of you.